
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week 3 Day 3

I use GIMP-Gnu Image Manipulation Program to my manipulations. It is an Open Source (free) program that gives po'folks a chance to do what they can't do with Adobe Photoshop ($300 plus).  There are definite differences, but GIMP allows you to do pretty much a lot. There are tons of how-to videos on YouTube.

GIMP at freedownloaders
You can touch up blurry photos with their sharpen tool. You can resize images. You can adjust the resolution. For example, you have a 150x150 image you downloaded off the internet, but when you increase it the result comes out always blurry. You can use the resize image tab and increase it, but you need to increase the resolution as well so it won't blur. I increase to 300-600 to make sure.

I cut up the photos and then use the resizer on each part and put it back together. Usually it is only the body and arms. Then I smudge out the face and rough connects and there it is!

Before I started the diet blog, I was just playing around with GIMP and altering things. I had projects. I came up with Profane The Arts. My blog title pic is Norman Rockwell, Girl at Mirror, 1954.

Here are my favorites. Remember the David Hasslehoff drunk scandal? I added him to Henri de Toulouse-Latrec, Reclining Nude, 1897 painting and called it "Pommes Frites Avec Le Hoff". It was fun. And there was a time in my life that I would of loved not only a date with The Hoff, but thought it would be cool to end like this!

Pommes Frites Avec Le Hoff

The Old Guitarist-Picasso
Caravaggio Narcissus (see Bieber?)

Febris Dolores Bieber

Las Vegas Update: Got a house. The one with the pool and no deposit if you clean the place was too small and really bad. This one is in the NW area and has no pool. Pools cost a lot to maintain...I bet. We got the kiddy 12 by 3 foot free stander. Will do.

Diet Update: What can I say it better work this week. I really should start exercising. I am packing and chasing behind the kids. post edit: goal is to break past the 250! Hump day and I am at 251.

If you don't know Princess Dieter,  link here to see what diet plus exercise did for her. She is amazing! Her before and afters are drastic. Very much an inspiration to me and many more bloggies!


  1. I love your picture. They are so funny. hahaha
    I also use GIMP for my pictures, because we just have Linux on our computers. I love it. No pain with viruses.

  2. Those pictures are great! Thanks for telling us how you do it. Congrats on finding a house. Pool or no pool at least you're moving forward. Good luck with that move. I hate it! Hugs and I'm sure you're are losing!

  3. The Coca Cola pic might be one of my favorites, well and the Hoff of course. I second your comment about Princess - she's just amazing.

  4. Your manipulations are always fun, flapper, Hoff, Picasso. (My sister had a print of that guitarist painting in her bathroom for years. Right across the john. Couldn't miss staring at it, hahah.)

    Thanks for the linky shout out/praise. Muah!

    Break the barrier. I've been stuck in the 180s for like ages. I'm sick of it. I wanna break into the 170s THIS WEEK. let's do it. Break the wall down and dance on it!!!!

    Hope you're very happy in the new home and kiddy pool! (Kiddy pools are fun, too.)

  5. Oh, hey, maybe I am in the 170s. I gotta go poo and weight. :D Just got up, nite owl that I am.

  6. Hey, thanks for all the great info in this post. I like the photo edits you've done, very clever. Good luck with slipping under the 250 mark this week. I bet you do it! I'm heading over to check out Princess Dieter's blog now.

  7. The pics you alter are very clever :) Always love you flapper pics. What a classy time.

  8. I love your pictures! :D I especially enjoyed the part where you change the coca cola logo to a water bottle! :)


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