
Saturday, April 23, 2011

DAY 11

Star Wars Sad Melody on YouTube

So when I was a grocery checker, I remember passing 20 lbs of pork and beef briskets through. I would lift it and go "whoa  if it were on my arse and I lost it...that would be some poundage"!  And in real math that those awful greek guys who wore togas and thought up the whole thing...20 is only 5 times to 100!!! Yet put that on a diet plan....
All I can say to myself with that in mind is "Patience young padawan one day I shall be a Jedi"!

 I really like Star Wars. I read the complete Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic comic book series...and this was as an adult..LOL

Looking back on the past ten days...all in all I have been keeping up with at least the calories and the counting except for:  It could of been a chicken fried steak catastrophe...but I did not pile it on. I almost snacked but the real fat bitch had an eye on me and I gave it to her and she likes it when I diet. Better down the gut of a hound then in my face tempting me at a weak moment.
Exercise...I had this plan but ....let me start trying again. I did take a ride and browse around Hastings Bookstore.


  1. You changed the name of your blog! I'm going to take that as a good sign that your anger has morphed into something more positive now. Have courage. You are on a fine path to getting healthy.

  2. I'm on the wet west side of WA. We had 2 days of sunshine and now the first raindrops are starting. Lived in Boise when I was a child. Hope you had fun today with your family!

  3. Thank you was a BBQ as all get togethers are festive with food...gotta be strong.


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